Postpartum Massage Benefits: Nurturing New Mothers

Many physical changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Several changes appear after giving birth; these changes are as significant and natural as during pregnancy. Unstable or hyper joints are a standard postpartum change in women’s bodies.

The back and shoulders are in constant pain due to breastfeeding, child-carrying, and poor posture. Post-surgical recovery is always relatively slow, leaving mothers with restrictions in scar tissue, body fatigue, emotional changes, and anxiety.

Taking care of yourself when you face any of these symptoms is essential. Postpartum massage therapy is of great help to realign and readapt your body and life after birth.

The professional massage therapist focuses on realigning the joints and stretching the muscles, including the abdominal and pectoral, lower back, and glute muscles.

A professional postpartum massage gives the new mothers much-needed relief from fatigue in the body.


Why Women Need Postpartum Massage.

American Pregnancy Association called postpartum massage an important step towards recovery for new mothers. Postpartum massage is a full-body massage given to new moms by a trained massage therapist.

Women who had a miscarriage can also get a postpartum massage to relieve physical and mental stress. Postpartum massage is more effective within the first twelve weeks after birth.

Postpartum massage can be given in any comfortable position for the mother. A certified and trained therapist adjusts the position and pressure of touch to provide the best care and massage for new mothers.

After giving birth, women struggle both physically and mentally with the changes in the body and trying to recover from the medical procedure; they are also entering a 24/7 cycle of being a mother. Most women experience baby blues during the postpartum period.

Sometimes, these baby blues can extend to postpartum depression and other physical changes such as vascular problems, stretch marks, and body fatigue.

  • Baby blues and postpartum: after giving birth, new mothers always experience stress, although the intensity and lasting period can vary from woman to woman. It involves feelings of sadness, anxiety, mood swings, little to zero appetite, and mild insomnia. In some women, the baby blues do not go away with time; instead, the symptoms get severe and turn into postpartum depression. Postpartum massage has been proven successful in releasing stress and helping with postpartum depression and baby blues.

  • Stretch marks and body aches: stretch marks appear on the mother’s stomach after giving birth. Body, joints, and muscle pains are also common symptoms in new mothers.

  • Vascular problems: During pregnancy, women experience increased pressure on their lower abdomen, back, and legs. These body areas feel extra tired during the postpartum period. The pressure on leg veins can cause varicose or twisted and enlarged veins.

After giving birth, women are affected by so many changes. The abovementioned conditions can significantly affect their ability to adjust to the new life and heal physically and emotionally.

Any of these symptoms can be helped with postpartum massage by professional and trained therapists, and you can make a speedy recovery with proper care.

Navigating the postpartum journey can be an exhilarating yet challenging time for new mothers.

The transition into motherhood introduces a profound change not only in your daily routine but also in your physical and emotional well-being.

Amidst this beautiful yet intense journey, postpartum massage emerges as a gentle beacon of healing and recovery, offering numerous benefits that are both nurturing and vital for your recovery.

We wanted to write this article as we are committed to supporting women through this significant phase, and understand the curiosity, hesitation, and yearning for comfort that may accompany the idea of postpartum massage.

Let's explore together why this practice is not just a luxury but a necessary component of postpartum care.

1. Stress Reduction

 In the postpartum period, mental health is more prone to be disturbed for several reasons. Hormonal imbalance, the responsibility of being a new mother, and all the physical labour is instrumental in challenging the mental health of the new mother. Massage during pregnancy and after birth substantially reduces mental stress and provides relief.

2. Hormone Regulation

Hormones such as progesterone and estrogen increase during pregnancy but drop after birth. Postpartum massage is helpful during this transitionary period and efficiently balances the hormones. When hormones are adjusted and balanced, the mood automatically uplifts, and the feelings of stress and anxiety lessen.  

3. Muscle Relaxation

Postpartum massage does wonders for relaxing muscles. It helps with better circulation balancing of hormones and provides physical relief to the tired body of the new mother. The massage therapist adjusts the pressure during massage according to the liking and tolerance of the recipient. Some women like light touches and less pressure during the massage, but others may prefer deep massage to drain the muscles from all the tiredness.

 4. Pain Relief

New mothers face new challenges after giving birth. During the postpartum period, body aches and muscle aches are common occurrences. The back, especially the lower back, shoulders, legs, and arms, are prone to aches. A back massage, leg massage, and shoulder massage are great ways of getting relief and rejuvenating the body after childbirth. It will open up the muscles and remove all the soreness.

5. Blood Circulation And Decreased Swelling 

Pregnancy increases the level of body fluids by 50 %. After giving birth, it takes time to balance the body fluids. Sometimes, women experience swelling because of irregularity in body fluids.

Postpartum massage is a great way to slowly improve blood circulation and increase lymphatic drainage, which helps the body balance and drain the excess fluid. With balanced and regular blood circulation, the swelling will wear off, and the body will return to its normal condition.  

 6. Improved Breastfeeding 

Some new mothers face difficulty in lactation. Postpartum massage has proved effective in improving lactation. Both back and breast massages help produce prolactin hormone, which, as a result, increases lactation and helps feed the baby.

7. Better Sleep 

New mothers always have a difficult time getting some sleep. It is challenging to have quality sleep during pregnancy and after giving birth. Massage helps new mothers improve their quality of sleep. Pregnancy and giving birth are exhausting and draining processes.

Caring for a newborn gets tricky if the mother is sleepless, physically, and mentally exhausted. An excellent postpartum massage by a professional massage therapist can do wonders to ease the pain, tiredness, and sore muscles, help you with mental and physical relaxation and improve sleep.



Postpartum massage, for new mothers, is an effective and therapeutic way to deal with the physical and mental challenges posed by the pregnancy and after birth.

Taking care of physical and mental health for new mothers should be the priority as a healthy and happy mother can take better care of the baby. When looking for a massage therapist, the things to keep in mind are:

  • A certified and professional massage therapist

  • Quality of hygiene of massage therapy center.

  • High-quality and comfortable massage tables.

Some new mothers might have postpartum concerns and may be afraid of any risks. To know the different types of postpartum massage and all the necessary information, contact us here.

If you have any further doubts or questions regarding this subject or another treatment, contact one of our experienced Acupuncturists or Registered Massage Therapists here at West End Wellness Clinic. You can either give us a call or make an appointment.

Disclaimer: Please remember this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider or someone with the correct qualifications before starting any new exercise or treatment program.


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