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6 Common Ways To Prevent Sports Injuries

How do I train harder or run faster to get stronger without increasing my body's risk of injury? This is a great question, and it should not be a shock to know that some will guess or take the risk of pushing beyond their limits.

Sports injuries are very common and can happen to anyone. They are usually caused by a sudden twist, turn or movement of the body. The strenuous nature of high-intensity sports and physical exercise also leads to an increased risk of injury.

In your body, including in your joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and other structures, injuries can occur by loading your muscles with resistances greater than they can handle.

Many minor injuries can be treated at home with ice, compression (bandaging), and rest. In contrast, more severe injuries such as immobilization and surgery may need to be treated by a qualified physician.

Playing sports is an excellent way to get the exercise kids and adults need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. However, sports can sometimes result in injuries that can significantly affect your ability to continue playing the sport.

While sports injuries can be excruciating, they do not need to keep you away from participating in sports, exercise and physical activities. With some know-how, you could prevent some of these injuries from happening in the first place.

What Are The Main Causes Of Sports Injuries

Different sports produce different types of injuries with varying severity and symptoms. The most common types of sports injuries include:

Strains - the most common type of sports injury, a strain occurs when an unhealthy muscle tear while contracting. Strains are usually distinguished between local and general strains, although some injuries like muscle tears cause both types of strains.

Sprains—a common type of sports injury, a sprain occurs when a ligament tears while under the force of external trauma. Sprains usually occur in areas close to where bones of joints or tendons connect. As a result, they are common in joints such as the ankle, knee, wrist, and elbow and muscles like the quadriceps.

Dislocations - another type of sports injury that cannot be prevented by avoiding strenuous activities and unaccustomed movements is dislocation. Dislocations occur when a joint's bones are forcefully separated, usually leading to pain, swelling, and instability.

Fractures - another common sports injury is fracturing, which occurs when one or more bones in the body break or crack under the force of an external object. Fractures are extremely painful and could severely limit the movement of the area where they occurred if not properly treated right away.

Knee injuries - one type of sports injury that can decrease your ability to participate in sports is a knee injury. Knee injuries are caused by overuse of the knee joint's tendons, ligaments, and muscles. They usually involve any injury in the knee joint or surrounding area.

Swollen muscles - natural body reaction when experiencing pain; swelling in muscles is a sign of muscle strain.

Achilles tendon rupture - a popular injury in sports, an Achilles tendon rupture occurs when the Achilles tendon that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone becomes torn. This injury can occur due to a sudden stop, turn, or change of pace.

Rotator cuff injury is a type of injury that can occur in sports; rotator cuff injuries are caused by inflammation and tears of the tendons inside the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles.

Types of Sports Injuries Treatments

An everyday treatment regimen for sports injuries is known as The RICE method. This routine consists of:

REST - resting the injured area to allow the body's natural healing processes.

ICE - applying ice packs or frozen water bottles to reduce swelling and pain caused by a sports injury. The application of ice is not only helpful when treating sprains, strains, and dislocations but also in relieving pain after a muscle strain.

COMPRESSION - wrapping an injury tightly with bandages or compression sleeves can help limit bleeding of blood vessels.

ELEVATION - moving the injured area to improve blood circulation.

The RICE method can help reduce the swellings, inflammation, and pain usually associated with sports injuries. For this method to bring the best results, you should follow it within the first 24 to 36 hours from the time of injury.

However, other treatments, such as physical therapy and medications, are other options to look into if necessary. It is important to consult your doctor when you are experiencing pain or any injury in your muscles or joints, especially if it has been a while since the last time you experienced such pain.

Seek emergency care if the injured joint shows signs of:

  • inability to put weight on the joint or weakness

  • pain and severe swelling

  • popping or crunching sounds when you use the joint

  • visible lumps and bumps, or other deformities

  • instability

In addition, after an injury, if you experience any of the following, seek emergency attention:

  • dizziness

  • difficulty breathing

  • fever

If the injury is severe and doesn't heal within two weeks, contact your doctor for an appointment as you may require physical therapy or surgery.

What Are The 6 Common Ways To Prevent Sports Injuries?

Whether you are a professional in the field of sports or a regular athlete, you don't want to end up with a sports injury. It would help if you used these general rules to prevent sports injuries no matter what sport you play.

1. Keep Proper Physical Condition To Play A Sport

You should adequately train, stretch and warm-up before you start your game. Don't expect the sport to get you into shape. You should be in shape before you begin the sport. Follow a regular conditioning routine to avoid injuries and maximize your performance.

2. Understand And Stick To The Rules Of The Sport

So many times as we get older, we believe we can pick up a sport and go all in, but understanding your limits and the rules is essential and designed to keep things safe. If you know how to play your sport safely, you are less likely to get injured.

3. Ensure You Wear Appropriate Protective Gear and Equipment

Each sport has different types of equipment. If a piece of protection is critical to safe play, you should wear it. You don't want to hold back your performance because you are concerned about an injury. Never allow poor or lack of equipment to cause an injury.

4. Take Time To Rest

Do not overwork yourself during your training. It would be best if you took time off to rest when needed. Rest can also help preserve strength and fitness. Many athletes think they should work themselves to exhaustion, but this practice is unhealthy.

5. Before Playing, Warm-Up

A warm-up will give you a little workout, helping prepare your muscles for the game. It is vital as it will also benefit your muscles and joints. If you don't stretch before the game, you have a higher chance of causing an injury.

6. Avoid Playing When Very Tired or In Pain

You should not play if you are hurt. You should also avoid playing if you are exhausted or in pain. If your body is too tired to function, you won't be able to perform at your best. You are more likely to injure yourself.

If you have any further doubts or questions regarding this subject or another treatment, contact one of our experienced Acupuncturists or Registered Massage Therapists here at West End Wellness Clinic. You can either give us a call or make an appointment.

Disclaimer: Please remember this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider or someone with the correct qualifications before starting any new exercise or treatment program.